#Iliketomoveit – Moving Gen Z with creative employer branding
In order to survive as a company in the #warfortalents and attract motivated young talent as the #skilled workers of tomorrow, it needs creative solutions for strong #employerbranding that stands out from the competition.
Crucial questions for employee recruitment and retention in this context are:
- How can we ensure that Schuster Maschinenbau is perceived by the choosy Generation Z as an attractive employer and committed trainer?
- How do we manage to translate the Schuster innovation claim "Move the Standard" for young people with ease, fun and sympathy?
- How do we motivate talented newcomers to apply for a job at us?
- And how do we enable young professionals to find their own "Me" in the Schuster "We" in the long term?
Our response is emotional and forward-looking at the same time. A catchy slogan that exudes dynamism and drive and activates the young target group to want to go into the future with Schuster:
„I like to move it, move it.“
After all, young people are at a crossroads in their lives when they finish school. There is a lot of pressure to make decisions, and for the first time they have to ask themselves: "What am I actually going to do with my time? How do I want to live and work? What is important to me? What do I want to move in life?"
This is where we pick up Gen Z and encourage them to take a stand with a playful either-or mechanic and youth-friendly language:
This underpins Schuster's claim to be an authentic, values-based employer that supports young people's needs for team spirit, variety, growth and flexibility with ideal framework conditions.
The innovative employer branding concept is implemented cross-medially on Schuster's social media channels and digital career pages, on trainee portals, and as ads and message cards for training fairs.